Thursday, November 14, 2013
If you had downloaded Allen James' ebook version of "The Journey: A Calendar Book" you would have started out your day with the reminder to:
"Have a sincere interest in those around you".
the reading for November 15th.
Now available for $4.99 (PDF format) by clicking the link provided.
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"
Calendar Books by Allen James' Facebook page fans, it's difficult to believe 365 days have passed since I first posted this product page. A full year of posting readings from Allen James' calendar books and explained from where the motivation came for each of those readings.
Your support has been tremendous. I will be continuing to post daily readings as 2013 draws to a close and 2014 begins a new chapter in each of our lives. My hopes for you are many days of personal success realized through positive living.
Our reading for November 12th from, "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success",
"Never accept abuse from others".
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
Yesterday's reading....
Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 11th from "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success",
"Always tell your students how bright their futures look".
It's no lie, young people's futures DO look bright; it depends on them as to how it turns out (of course there are other variables which come into play as each of us knows all too well).
Just as we were once the future, so do today’s youth carry the weight of the future. By creating inviting and enjoyable opportunities for strong youth participation, we put in place essential building blocks for the continued vitality of our world. The arenas of dreams and opportunity we create and enjoy for ourselves today will necessarily pass – or not – to our youth.
The strength of youth participation definitely depends upon how well we are able to encourage, guide and include, support and mentor them. It ultimately depends upon available resources and opportunity as well. And resources must include but go far beyond financial support. For long-term success, opportunity must be designed to spark interest, inspiration, desire and a curiosity deep within them to want to participate. Opportunity must include varied venues for personal growth and skill development allowing for direct participation of youth in all age groups. Opportunity must expose them to leadership initiative, new concepts and motivating role models. Opportunity must provide a genuine feeling of acknowledgement and appreciation for the many talents and achievements of each individual youth and for youth as a group. Opportunity must allow the possibility to dream of their own future.
Teachers carry a large degree of the responsibility in securing this future. Children and youth spend on average 9% of their time in school ( The influence of the individuals with whom they spend this time, their teachers, affects them to a much greater degree.
Teachers, always tell your students how bright their futures look. They will have enough discouragement along life's journey.
Keep looking up. AJ
Friday, November 8, 2013
Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"
Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 8th, from "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success",
"Eat healthy foods".
As you all are aware, from time to time I iterate the point daily readings are to be looked at for more than face value; they are to be thought about, processed, and translated into how they can be effective for YOUR personal success.
This past week I had a patient whom I gave a copy of "The Journey: A Calendar Book" to for her to use as a tool in her journey through therapy. The reading for the day was "Budget wisely". She immediately, as expected, responded with, "I don't have money to budget". Fortunately, before I respond, her mother responded with, "We budget more than just money".
We then talked about how the readings are meant to be thought about deeper than what seem like trite sayings. We should wisely budget our money, yes; our time, yes; but as well we should budget wisely our responses to others, our self-talk, our compassion for other, and I could go on and on.
The point, "Eat healthy foods" means much more than, consume food which is good for you. It means provide for your body...and mind....and spirit....those foods, thoughts, actions, behaviors, which nurture you. The mission of Allen James Calendar Books is such a simple mission; if only more of us would consider the effects WE have on OURSELVES.
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"
Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 7th, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book",
"Be gracious".
It was Francis Bacon, 16th century English philosopher, who said, “If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world” (
and this is the very essence of why we spend 13 years of our lives going through elementary and high school in the United States, to become better citizens. This is the importance graciousness can have in a person’s life; helping us to become a "citizen of the world" (Bacon). Graciousness is all about our making the people around us feel. Pleasing and affectionate are the hallmarks of a gracious person. People are not born with gracious behavior, it must be taught and absorbed. Gracious behavior depends on the upbringing and the environment. Through constant practice, it can be inculcated into your way of life. Gracious behavior, if taught from childhood, can lead toward the development of a successful human being. Through graciousness, any situation can be resolved, as self-interest is not its characteristic. Graciousness is a treasure people throng to, so a gracious person is never short of people near him or her.
We practice graciousness, (showing appreciation) in the following ways:
Taking compliments with a smile. Timidity or lack of confidence can embarrass or deter the other person. A smile and saying ‘thank you’ will be a good return for the compliment. Make the other person feel he or she is acknowledged.
In the face of criticism, it is better to wait and cool off. More often than not, the impulse to ‘shoot off’ is very great, which will be ungracious, if the person is criticizing you for your own good. Waiting allows you to collect your thoughts and makes the other person feel the depth of your maturity.
While accepting an invitation, be sure to thank the host or convey your reasons for not accepting the invitation. Similarly, when you invite someone, thank him or her for accepting the invitation, and also accept the reasons for someone who is unable to come.
Kindness, respect, patience, empathy, etc. are all signs of graciousness, so, make these good qualities a part of you.
Graciousness should come unintentionally, from the subconscious and not as a forced entity. Practicing these positive traits will make graciousness a part of your character.
Small acts of understanding lead to greater acts of graciousness. When you understand a person, you will fill him or her with a good feeling, and he will consider you a gracious person.
Do not fake. Faking your feelings, emotions and other sensibilities, will carry you for a short time, but when discovered will hurt more than if you had been honest. And, hurting anyone is not graciousness.
Sometimes and with some people, being on the right is not that important. If your being wrong, can do immense good to some people, then it is considered gracious behavior.
Be forward with your help. Don’t wait for anyone to ask you for it. Offering your help will always make the other person remember your graciousness. To help when asked is good, but to help when not even asked is better, as these are the sign of gracious character.
Keep looking up. AJ
Monday, November 4, 2013
Daily Reading - Allen James' Calendar Books - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 4th, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book",
"Be aware of what you want and strive to attain it".
Our being aware, having a general awareness is a recurring theme throughout Allen James' publications. This is no coincidence.
Each calendar book is meant to a "tool" for those up for the ride of their "purpose" Without first having an awareness, being conscious, is a tool which must be applied to goals, desires, wants of personal success, a fulfilling life of happiness and positivity long before actually obtaining them. If is an impossibility for a living, breathing, healthy human being to go through life randomly. There are few coincidences throughout life. The journey to personal success is taken on a long road. Knowing what want to get from it, our destination if you will, takes years. We MUST have ourselves prepared or the obstacles along the way can be so discouraging we stop short of our intended "ending point".
Those who are aware of this "awareness", are those individuals who are just this, prepared with the appropriate tools and a desire to attain what it is we desire.
I'm enjoying my journey, and my hopes are you are as well. Make provisions for a journey full of many surprises, bumps along the way, and detours.
Be aware of what you want and strive to attain it.
Keep looking up. AJ
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"
Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 3rd, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book",
"Pay attention to your spirit".
Today's reading is one not to miss, for sure. Our "oceanic" self determines the responses of our biological and emotional self. What exactly do I mean? Consider these words from Action for Happiness;
"Having a spiritual dimension to our lives can make us happier. But can we discover spirituality or does it find us? Spiritual wisdom doesn't need to involve myth and mysticism; nor does it necessarily have to be linked to organised religion, although people with strong religious faith often experience high levels of well-being. [1]
"Living happily depends on how we are in our inner lives - our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and desires. Having a spiritual dimension means finding a sense of inner peace - both peace of mind and peace in the heart. It also means allowing our inner values to guide how we interact with the world around us - our concern for others, our connection with the natural world and our interst in making a positive contribution to society.
Why do it?
"Research suggests that people with a sense of spirituality - which can be religious or non-religious - are likely to experience greater happiness and wellbeing. Spirituality can provide us with meaning, a sense of vitality (or aliveness) and a sense of connectedness to others and to 'something bigger' beyond our daily lives. [2] People who feel their life has meaning are happier and healthier too. [3]
"Our sense of spirituality is deeply personal and individual. For some people it comes from a particular faith, for others from their relationship with the natural world, while for others it may be the experience of creativity or music.
"Ken Pargament, a leading researcher in the psychology of religion and spirituality suggests that developing spirituality is a dynamic process that has three stages:
Discovery - finding a form of spirituality that we feel drawn to;
Active practice - for example attending religious services or regularly meditating;
Struggle - when life events or stages force us to question our beliefs.
"Talking or thinking about spirituality may not be something many of us do regularly these days. In a multi-cultural and largely secular society, such as the UK, it can feel odd, unnecessary or uncomfortable. But we shouldn't let that put us off trying to connect with something fundamental and universal within all of us. One place we can all start is with reflection. Below are some questions to contemplate" (
Maintaining our spirit means different things to different people to be sure. We are many but He is one. I gain insight from a variety of philosophical and spiritual foundations, but my spirit, through the Spirit Within clarifies for me how best to maintain it. I fail. I know. However; when I fail, by being attentive to my spirit, the Spirit Within guides me in a better way to maintain "me".
Pay attention to your spirit...grow closer to your "self" and don't allow other things and individuals to "eat at" your spirit.
Keep looking up. AJ
Friday, November 1, 2013
Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"
Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 1st, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book",
"Save your money when you can".
We all know how impossible it seems to be to "get ahead" these days. I wonder if it's really ever been a possible task. I know my parents certainly weren't ever able to put back a nest egg. Saving money becomes more and more difficult with rising prices and higher taxes. So just what can we do to "put back" a few dollars for a rainy day.
Financial experts, of which I am not, tell us we should have 6 months of our income saved back in the event of a tragedy in our lives or a lay off, etc. "SIX MONTHS?" I hear you. Not a reality for me and I have no one else to provide for than myself. We spend what we make due to our lack of self control and our belief we should have anything/everything we WANT....not NEED.
There are countless blogs, websites, financial institutions, and yes, even scammers, who give "the best" ways to save your money. But most of us realize as well just saving money isn't going to take care of our insatiable need to spend.
I learned the "hard" way not to depend on what we're told; we have to find the strategy which works for us personally. But more than finding a strategy which works, WE'VE GOT TO HAVE TO SELF CONTROL AND WILL POWER TO CARRY IT OUT.
I taught in the public school system for 15 years, having 13% of my income taken out monthly for retirement. When I decided to go into full-time private practice, I pulled out what I had paid in, (in Missouri, we pay in 14% and the school district matches with 14%, but if we take it out before retirement, we can only get what we've paid in; the other 14% stays in the retirement system). I invested my 15 years worth of retirement money with an respected investment firm which "guaranteed" a 9% return over the years. Then 9/11 happened and I lost all my "guaranteed" retirement. I had to start over again like millions of American's who had "guaranteed" nest eggs.
My way of saving money is to NEVER spend dollar bills. If I'm paying with cash I always pay with $5 bills, $10 bills, etc., then I save the dollar bills in a savings account, etc. You'll be surprised how quickly dollar bills add up. If you can't afford to save dollar bills, save quarters, dimes, nickles; whatever you can put back, put back. Over a 4 year period I saved $8,000.00.
NOTE: Saving is NOT investing. Google the difference between the two if you need further clarification.
Prove to yourself you have self money when possible.
Keep looking up. AJ
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