Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daily Reading from Allen James' "Daily Guide to Success" calendar book series

Calendar Books by Allen James fan, Betsy, shows off her copy of A Woman's Daily Guide to Success and the Calendar Books by Allen James tee-shirt she won as part of a promotion.
Sorry I missed yesterday's reading....however; since it's tied together with today's reading....for February 5th from "A Counselor's Daily Guide to Success", "Read the Te of Piglet". Today's reading, February 6th, "Apply the principles of 'The Te of Piglet' to your life".

I've had the fortune of teaching in a field of academia for the past 30 years which by its very nature draws creative, unique and expressive individuals; English. Initially one may think, "Huh? All people do who are interested in English is read and correct people!". However; English comprises many creative outlets; drama, communications (public Speaking/interpersonal communications), production, journalism, creative writing to name a few. It was from these areas where many of my ex-students become friends came.

One such friend, we'll call "Bill", as a sophomore in high school came to me by way of a creative writing class. "Bill" was transplanted from the "city" and certainly stood out among the rural youth of the small town where I began my teaching career. I learned quickly in order for "Bill" to be able to express himself in creative writing I could not stifle his "stream of consciousness". He was going to have to be given the freedom to write as he wanted, so I didn't place boundaries upon him. He was surprised as most adults outside of his immediate family never gave him the freedom to be himself, although they had a difficult task accomplishing this I assure you.

We cultivated a friendship following his graduation from high school 4 years later and are still close friends to this day, although as life seems to do, we aren't afforded much time these days. Years following graduation instead of my teaching "Bill", "Bill" taught me through his recommendation of the book "The Te of Piglet" and it's companion book, "The Tao of Pooh". Having read these books himself he noted they changed his life. I got them and read them as well. See for yourself how looking at life through the characters of our childhood can indeed "change our lives".

Read the "Tao of Pooh" and "The Te of Piglet" and then make application in your life of the premise these books teach.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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