Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daily Reading - Calendar Books by Allen James - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

First, I apologize for not posting since July.  As I had stated in previous blog postings the network where I post from had put up a new firewall and it has taken until today for it to be changed.  Your patience is appreciated.  To catch up with the past 2 1/2 months (so sorry) of postings you can go to my Facebook product page which is hyperlinked at the beginning of today's posting. 
Calendar Books by Allen James posting for October 10th, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book" is a quote by renowned author and poet, Emily Dickinson...

"Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed".

All of my life I've heard the... axiom, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". It seems human beings are never satisfied with anything; and when we do experience any degree of satisfaction, we immediately find something else with which to be dissatisfied. Why is this?

Emily Dickinson's words ring such truth in relation to our sense of dissatisfaction. Many times we are so envious of those who succeed because we feel we haven't; they possess something we desire. We work, strive, urge our lives toward personal success, feeling as if we can almost taste its sweet nectar only to be let down by each failure.

Don't just attempt to taste success' "sweetness"...make it a reality.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ
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