Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

Our reading for January 8th from Allen James', "The Journey: A Calendar Book" exemplifies what becomes our world view;

"Watch your family interact" (James, 2012).

What a pivotal role those with whom we live, work, play, and interact plays in our acquiring personal success.  Research shows the average American spends 1/3 of their lifetimes at work; 1/3 of their lifetimes sleeping and the remaining 1/3 "living".  Realizing this and taking on a new awareness that those with whom we spend 2/3 of our lifetime are co-workers and family, certainly being more "in-tune" with family and co-workers in a positive way can only benefit your personal success.

As a child growing up our house was always full of activity, but surprisingly not always full of noise.  By nature I was an observer early in life. Although I cannot recall childhood events prior to around the age of 6, those observations I recall from 6 to present day aided in melding me into the individual I am today.  Learning from my older brothers and sisters and how they interacted with one another as well as with my parents; and how my parents interacted with one another, vastly matters to the person I became as an adult.  But only due to the fact I was observant.  Sure, learning by coincidence plays a role as well, but having a heightened awareness by being observant multiplies this learning exponentially.  Then there were those with who I worked.

 Throughout my working lifetime I have been fortunate enough to have only encountered two individuals who's personalities did not "jive" with my own; one was a female who (using my analytical prowess as a psychotherapist; which isn't always the smart thing to do) had "issues" with men throughout her life.  The other was a male who had an inferiority complex.  In both cases I was miserable working with them and had to work at seeing where they were coming from and adjust accordingly or negativity would be the ruler in lieu of positivity.

Be aware of those with whom you live and work.  Realize it's your problem when you can't get along or have "issues" with a family member or co-worker.  Own "your" problem and overcome it.  You'll be one step closer to personal success.

Keep looking up.  : )  AJ

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