Thursday, November 6, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"

Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for November 6th, from A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success,

"Eat healthy foods" (James, 2012).

As you all are aware, from time to time I iterate the point daily readings are to be looked at for more than face value; they are to be thought about, processed, and translated into how they can be effective for YOUR personal success.

This past week I had a patient whom I gave a copy of The Journey: A Calendar Book to for her to use as a tool in her journey through therapy. The reading for the day was "Budget wisely". She immediately, as expected, responded with, "I don't have money to budget". Fortunately, before I respond, her mother responded with, "We budget more than just money".

We then talked about how the readings are meant to be thought about deeper than what seem like trite sayings. We should wisely budget our money, yes; our time, yes; but as well we should budget wisely our responses to others, our self-talk, our compassion for other, and I could go on and on.

The point, "Eat healthy foods" means much more than, consume food which is good for you. It means provide for your body...and mind....and spirit....those foods, thoughts, actions, behaviors, which nurture you. The mission of Allen James Calendar Books is such a simple mission; if only more of us would consider the effects WE have on OURSELVES.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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