Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - Personal Message


The past 3 months have been a whirlwind of issues and I appreciate the patience as my posting has been less than up-to-date.

September 15 I was placed on administrative leave from my job as a school counselor.  The very same day I was informed from the president of the Missouri Association of Career Services I had been named Career Services Counselor of the Year by my peers.  I didn't even get the opportunity to feel good about my milestone.  After 10 years of doing a job I loved and one in which I clearly was appreciated for what our students received in the way of counseling, my place of employment had new administration who for some reason, never made clear to me, didn't want me to continue working there. 

Those who wish to believe it is impossible or even difficult to "get rid" of an educator who is on tenure, I hate to burst your bubble.  It would be the case if educators possessed an unending line of cash from which to pay a lawyer; certainly not the case for me.  For the first two weeks I did exactly what most any human would do who finds themselves in shock; nothing.  I allowed depression to do what depression does, overwhelm me.  I lost 20 pounds and ended up dehydrated.  Before I realized it 10 days had passed and I'd not even realized it.  Finally, with the grace of God and the support of some mighty good friends, and I do mean mighty good friends, I realized I couldn't exist continuing in my loathing self-pity.  One leg at a time slowly eked from bed to floor (That's the most difficult part, finally making yourself give up the self-pity).  From then on I've spent every day on-line filling out applications and sending resumes out.  At nearly 54 years of age and 40 years without a job, some days still are difficult; but three months in and I have two job offers, each with new challenges and adventures than the jobs I've held in the past.  It's always best to listen to the words of wisdom from those who had gone before us.  When people say, "It'll get better.  Next year at this time you'll be in a better place", we should believe them.  I don't know where I'll be in 30 days, but I do know it'll be a better place than where i am at this moment.  I thank my creator more and more each day; even the low times in this existence have much meaning for us, more than we can understand.

In addition to these challenges my college classes have to continue to be taught, and other responsibilities must be fulfilled.  I was fortunate to spend the last week visiting my sister and her family for Thanksgiving; it was truly a time of thanksgiving for me.  I needed the distraction, and the love only a sister can provide benefited me in a big way.  Thus, as it should be, we continue with our purpose, living life in a way which builds others up and breeds personal success in the lives of those who we touch.

A full  two years of posting Calendar Books by Allen James' daily readings and how each has impacted me personally via Facebook is complete; from here on I will only be posting through this medium, so there should be no issue with keeping you up to date with the Allen James mission.

Please make sure to visit www.jamesharryman2002.wix.com/allenjamesbooks often as well as www.lulu.com/spotlight/allenjames1961 to learn more about my publications.  Crystal the Condor Makes Friends, my children's book encouraging self-esteem, anti-bullying, and the importance of positive relationships in the lives of children was released in September as well.  I'm very excited about this and the potential it has in reaching individuals at a very early age to prepare them for what is to come throughout life in a way which supports personal success and a positive experience.

I trust you're well this season of LOVE and HOPE.  Keep looking up.  AJ : )

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