Sunday, January 4, 2015

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

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The thought placed on the page of ALL calendar books for January 4th may appear at first glance to be mundane or not pertinent to personal success or positivity in any way, however; when the reader does as is intended with Allen James' Calendar Books (which is give each reading process it in your own mind and search for its pertinence making application to your own life) its necessity is clear, 

"Wash your hands before you eat" (James, 2012).

Of course there's the obvious fact washing our hands before we eat prevents the spread of bacteria and assists in keeping us healthy so we have the opportunity to even strive for personal well, the statement, "Wash your hands before you eat" reinforces what seems to be a theme in many of the "Daily Guide to Success" series' readings, this being the application of life lessons.

Although it can be attributed to "old age" and it would appear we complete the cycle of life by becoming what we as youth detested, how many times do we hear adults talk about the fact young people have no manners? Then we blame the parents for not instilling manners into their children as they did "back in the day" and place the responsibility on teachers to do so.

Recalling the African saying, translated of course, "It takes a village" (despite popular belief it was not former First Lady and one time U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton who coined the phrase), we all must to our part to teach children to be respectful of others as well as themselves; the very foundation of how personal success is begun.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ  

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