Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

Calendar Books by Allen James' posting for July 3rd from "The Journey: A Calendar Book" reads,

"Use daily affirmations".

Sadly much of the time, whether it be in our work or personal lives, we have to be our own cheerleaders. If we don't pat ourselves on the back we won't be patted on the back. When we accomplish a goal, come up with a workable idea, clean up a mess; no matter how big or how small the accomplishment, it feels good to be appreciated for it.

Daily affirmations, much like Allen James' daily readings, are intended as declarations of something which is true. Affirmations are positive, specific statements to help us to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. They help us visualize and believe in what we're affirming to ourselves, helping us make positive changes to our lives and careers.

Affirmations are positive statements to help us challenge and overcome negative thinking and self-sabotaging behaviors. They're usually short, positive statements targeting a specific area, behavior, or belief we may be struggling with.
Start by thinking of the areas of your life you'd like to change. For instance, do you wish you had more patience? Or a deeper relationships with your friends or colleagues? Or do you want a more productive workday?

Write down several areas or behaviors you'd like to work on. Then, for each of these, come up with a positive, present-tense statement you can repeat to yourself several times a day.
It's also important that your affirmation is credible, believable, and based on a realistic assessment of fact. For instance, imagine you feel bad about the level of pay you're currently receiving. So you begin to use affirmations to raise your confidence about asking for an increase. However, it probably wouldn't be wise to affirm to yourself you're going to double your salary: for most people, and most organizations, doubling what you're earning in one go just isn't feasible. Keep it realistic!

NOTE: Believe it and receive it. If we don't believe the affirmations we're repeating to ourselves, it's highly unlikely they'll have any impact on our lives.

YouTube is a great place to find affirmations in a presentation which is relaxing and pleasing to the eyes. Just search for "affirmations".

Have a great day...and as always...keep looking up. AJ

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