Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "A Woman's Daily Guide to Success"

For March 12th from "A Woman's Daily Guide to Success"...."Be committed".

Earning personal success is just this...something we earn...personal success is not handed to us...personal success doesn't just happen. Personal success comes to us because we go out and find it, then expend much energy to get it. It's earned as we push ourselves toward it; being committed to the goals which we set...being committed to the idea of one day knowing we have accomplished what we set out to accomplish.

As men we are told almost on a regular basis we have a innate fear of commitment. There is a reason why we're told this so much by the opposite sex...Men are told we are afraid of commitment because of the simple fact so many of us ARE afraid of commitment.

It's said "men never grow up". It's said we are stuck in adolescence and just go through the motions of becoming an adult, Freud's "latency stage" of development.  For many this is true, yet making generalities isn't a fair move. Commitment comes difficult for adolescents because they haven't learned "HOW" to commit yet. Thus we men fear the very thing which we have yet to learn.

As far as never growing up, I'm afraid I've found over my 20 years as a psychotherapist, working mostly with women (since men are "problem solvers" and perceive they can "fix" themselves) the truth is most women like us this way. Their mothering, nurturing sides thrive on our not growing up. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" taught us much about the distinct differences between the sexes. This doesn't mean we can't LEARN to commit.

Being committed to our personal success, our goals, our lives, our significant others is vital to reaching our personal vital to our reaching our vital to our having abundant vital to our sharing a fulfilling relationship with our significant others.

Be committed. Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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