Welcome September 5th. It's great to see you.....literally....life is too amazing and adventurous to not greet each day with gratitude.
Allen James' thought for today reads, "Smile at your memories" (James, 2012).
I love it! Regardless of what those memories hold for us, smiling at what has been allows us to FEEL how every memory is special; a learning experience having edged us closer and closer to personal success. Psychology Today states, "Memory makes us. If we couldn't recall the who, what, where, and when of our everyday lives, we would never be able to manage. We mull over ideas in the present with our short-term (or working) memory, while we store past events and learned meanings in our long-term (episodic or semantic) memory. What's more, memory is malleable–and it tends to decay with age. So stay sharp by reading our articles on the science of recollection" (psychologytoday.com).
Thinking back to my fondest memories, there are plenty? I’m sure it’s not all about having the presents we may have opened on Christmas or a birthday, but rather the memory of being surrounded by people who cared, and all the fun we had playing with them… it’s the experience which counts.
Memories are a powerful thing. We all want to create happy memories for ourselves, which will keep us smiling for decades. How do we do it? By spending our time, effort and money on creating them through great experiences.
how to create memories
1. Throw a party. If we have a friend’s birthday coming up, or even if we don’t, why not throw a party? It can be big with friends and balloons, or just a small one with a few select friends. Either way, bring a camera, dress up, (drink?) and smile. With people gathered around, fun things are bound to happen. Make it a night to be remembered for years to come!2. Go for a day out. Wherever we live, there’s bound to be something interesting to do. We just have to look for it. Luckily, we have Google Maps
3. Give an experience. Instead of the usual gift of bath soaps, CD’s, or gift vouchers, try giving somebody an experience. Take them out or pay for something they can do. If it’s a little more expensive, ask around for friends to chip in. They’ll be much more grateful for our present than if we gave them a regular one.
4. Take a holiday. We can go on ‘holiday’ anywhere, even just a few miles from home. If traveling to a different country, try to go to a place with more to offer than just the sun. Sunbathing is highly overrated and a complete waste if ask me. If I wanted to lounge about, I could do it on my roof. Instead, go to places where activities can only be accomplished there; like tasting the local cuisine, chatting to the local people or hiking/climbing towards breathtaking views.
5. Travel. Finally, I believe some of the best experiences in life come from traveling. I don’t just mean taking a holiday for a few weeks, I mean traveling. There aren’t many experiences more fulfilling than seeing the world. I was fortunate enough to travel abroad for a whole month several years ago. Italy was amazing, very different from my "comfort zone". Doing something drastic like this can completely change our whole outlook on life. Yes, I had to spend money, but somehow I it was much more satisfying than buying ‘xyz’.
Make memories....then, smile at them. Keep looking up. : ) AJ
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