Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Daily Reading - Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series - "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"

Our April 10th daily reading comes from, "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success" and is one of the 30 quotes by notable individuals around the world: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" (Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of the United States of America; 1901-1909).

Over my nearly 30 years as an educator, many of my students who have triumphed the most are those who felt they possessed no self-worth. In times of uncertainty, it was more easy to beat themselves up – to think they were not good enough. For them it seemed much easier to forget, despite all of our differences as human beings, we are born with one very important thing is common: potential – a great amount of it in fact.

What seems difficult for them is realizing this potential for greatness lies within not only those who they witness doing great things, but they too, in fact, possess it. Counseling with a large number of individuals on their self-concept over the years I've encouraged young and old alike who self proclaim a general feeling of worthlessness to work on the following 7 keys to personal success, growth, and ultimately a realization they have this great potential, it only need be tapped into, BY THEM:

1. Reflect on life: The first step is committing to 20-30 minutes of quiet reflection everyday. You don’t have to sit still, close your eyes, and meditate. But you do have to get away from all the distractions in your life such as the television, cell phones, email, radio, family, friends, coworkers, school mates, etc. They’re constantly clouding your thoughts and influencing your decisions.

2. Become an optimist: This is key. Every negative thought we replay in our mind is like a "ball and chain", keeping us from moving forward. We must free ourselves from the negativity. Inside every setback lies an opportunity! Always find the positive in every situation. "Every cloud has a silver lining" my grandmother used to say.

3. Set a goal: Goals give life direction and purpose. Without them we’re just drifting through existence. Do something bold! Set a lofty goal which stretches outside the box.

4. Define role-models: Look at those who have had the largest influence on you throughout your life, then work to grow the same character in yourself. Learn from them. It's much too each to pick up bad habits from those who have negative effects on us.

5. Be grateful: We must be grateful for the many opportunities which come our. Be grateful for the moment! Being grateful introduces even better things to life.

6. Become a lifelong learner: School certainly isn't the only place to learn new things. Commit to learning something new everyday. Have an open mind. Grow!

7. Embrace change: It’s impossible to reach our full potential if we’re not willing to change. Become dynamic, adaptive, evolving! Realize change is good…change is exciting!

State on the road today to reaching your full potential. Personal success is assured when we do. Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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