Thursday, May 2, 2013

Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

Today's reading, May 2nd, from "The Journey: A Calendar Book"..."Mourn when you need to".

The spring of the year is always a bittersweet time for me. I embrace the rebirth of the earth and its wonders, yet ironically the majority of the losses I've experienced in my life took place during the spring of the year.

Most of us have had to face loss head on; loss through death, abandonment, divorce, location, and through each of these losses most as well realize the importance of mourning those losses.

What exactly does it mean to mourn? We mustn't confuse grief and mourning. Grief is the emotional expression of loss; our feelings and responses inwardly to the understanding of the loss we experience. Mourning is quite different; mourning is the outward expression and our physical responses to loss.

The loss of someone we care about changes our lives forever, and the movement from the “now” to the “later” is nearly always an extensive, and most always, pain filled journey. Not only from my personal exposures with loss, but also my involvement with the hundreds of grieving individuals with whom I have worked through the years, I have learned to heal we must take the time in our grief to express outwardly in the way we feel best our feelings of this sadness. We have to complete the journey, often winding along roads we find difficult to travel.

This journey MANDATES we mourn. To mourn requires us to be active in our grief journeys. We all grieve when someone we love dies, but if we are to heal, we must also mourn. Mourning heals.

Mourn when you need to. Never allow yourself to stifle emotions which could lead to additional stress later.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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