"P.P.P.P.P., P.P.P.P.P.!!" regularly bellowed out of the mouth of the history teacher who taught in the room adjacent to mine for the first 6 years of my teaching career. "Proper pre-planning prevents poor performance". Mr. McKenney was certainly teaching more than about the American Revolution to those high school freshman those 30 years in education.
So goes today's reading, "Always have a back up plan". Being prepared for whatever comes your way is a must for personal success; and the words themselves allude to prior thinking on our part.
When I started college following high school I declared my major to be business management; I thought I wanted to someday own/operate a restaurant. Having to declare a minor I though long and hard...I settled on English education just as a back up plan, never really thinking I'd use it. It was something to fall back on if my restaurant didn't make it.
I started following college as a high school English teacher; marriage demanded I get a job immediately. I've been in education now for 30 years. Fortunately I was prepared for the unknown.
One of my favorite books to teach, and read...is "Of Mice and Men". John Steinbeck's idea for the title for his award winning book was came from the poem by Robert Burns, "To a Mouse". The reality of "the best laid plans of mice and men…often go awry".
Always have a backup plan!
For certain we can't anticipate everything which comes our way in any endeavor we undertake, but usually we can count on "Murphy's Law". which when confronted by, we’ll be much happier if we've prepared by having "Plan B".
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
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