Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading

Our thought for April 15th from Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series, "Be cautious while making a living you forget to live".

I've held a job since I was 14 years old; The Hickory Pit, Nina's Cafe, The Place, The Arcadia Grill, Pennyrile Forest State Park, Kenlake State Resort, Captian D's, J.C. Penney, Flippin's Hillbilly Barn, Fredericktown R-1 Schools, Psychological Counseling Consultants, Center for Creative Change, Perryville District #32, Mineral Area College, Southeast Missouri State University...I sometimes wonder how I make time for me....how do I make time for life? Or do I?

The challenges and disappointments of the day to day grind creates a position where it seems we can only stay busy,it is automatically assumed the busier we are,the more likely we will achieve our goals.The problem comes when we are so busy can't live life,where the only thing which comes to mind is to work until we can no longer keep up.

I once saw a patient who's presenting issue was being overwhelmed. She complained of being so busy she could no longer organize her home or spend quality time with her family. Following therapy and our creating a schedule for her to follow which required she "make" time for those precious things in her life which she missed and desired to have time for, she now has a much more fulfilling life without so much work.

It's amazing how we convince ourselves we are too busy or things are too difficult until the quilt we feel due to the choices we make is greater than the effort takes to make a change! We get so BUSY we forget to be in the moment and truly live. Ironically, living in the moment gives provides a life full of time and just enough energy to do what we need to do.

The years rack up too quickly. Become aware of this BEFORE your years have racked up. Be cautious while making a living you forget to live.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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