Thursday, May 1, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"

Calendar Books by Allen James' reading for May 1st is taken from "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"..."Know your limitations" (James, 2012).

Three hundred and eighty years BC a philosopher name Aristotle was teaching about this very thing; he understood when we go beyond our limitations our lives get out of balance. When our lives are out of balance the result is unhappiness, physical illness, negativity and lack of success. For Aristotle, stepping "out of the box" and going beyond your "comfort zone" leads to such an imbalance.

Today we are encouraged to do just what Aristotle cautioned against. We are taught from early on we can be whatever we want to be. We are encouraged as young adults to "step out of the box" and to go beyond our "comfort zone" and look at things from many perspectives to find what it is we truly want out of life.

Like most things in life, moderation is the key (January 24th, "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success"). In the fast paced world in which we live today it is much too common to be overwhelmed, not only by those things which we may consider work, but also by aspect in our lives we think of as leisure: family, hobbies, community involvement. We all to often underestimate the role over-extending ourselves plays our emotions, time, effort, concentration, and energy.

Contrary to anything you've you may believe: we do have limits! We can't do it all. Many of the women with whom I counsel in my private practice present with the complaint of being overwhelmed. They are doing so much they don't have time to feel they are doing a good job keeping up with things are home; the family suffers, they suffer. They have to learn they cannot give 100 percent to 5 different areas of your life without eventually crashing. Crashes come in a variety of forms: feeling tired, sad, impatient, or even anger. Wearing too many hats takes a toll on anyone.

Over the years I've found people seem to detest the idea of making priorities in their lives, being the one to make choices for themselves, and beginning to look at other things in their lives they need to practice in moderation in areas of live other than just food, drink, and smoke. When we acknowledge our limitations we are then able to use them tools for growth; where limitations exist we learn to adjust and rethink.

Know your limitations...get your life in balance...We are the creators of our own destinies.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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