Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Calendar Books by Allen James - Daily Reading - "The Journey: A Calendar Book"

Thanks for your patience....In the United States many were enjoying the Memorial Day weekend, I, on the other hand was nursing myself hopefully back to good health (psoriasis on my hands and feet).  Wherever we are, we hopefully remember those those have given of their own lives to protect our own.

Below find the readings yesterday and today....May 26th and 27th... Keep looking up. :) AJ

Our reading for May 26th, again from "The Journey: A Calendar Book"...Feed your brain".

Too often we take our brain for granted. We rarely consider the power the muscle called the brain is.

Research shows the capacity of the average person’s brain far outweighs our use of for.

Neuroplasticity is an amazing new theory which has proven one very incredible fact: Our brains can change. What this means for us is if you’re not very intelligent in one area – don't fret! You have the option to literally change the area of your brain your not as strong is with just a bit of "brainercise"; our brain is a muscle – we need to give it a "work out" on a regular basis.

Here are 8 brainercises which can feed the brain and increase intelligence.

1. Be curious

Get into the habit of questioning everything. By being curious and questioning everything, we force our brain to create new ideas.

2. Exercise regularly

It’s been proven exercise helps to increase brain function and enhances neurogenesis. This means every time we exercise we are creating new brain cells!

3. Do something new

Experiencing something “new,” stimulates the brain, creating new neural pathways, increasing intelligence.

4. Train your memory

Discipline yourself to memorize, use the calculator in your head instead of your cell-phone.

5. Think positive

Stress and anxiety kill existing brain neurons and also stop new neurons from being created. Research has shown that positive thinking, especially in the future tense, speeds up the creation of cells and dramatically reduces stress and anxiety. Try and take control of negative thoughts, and make an effort to replace them with positive ones.

6. Eat healthy

Our diets have a HUGE impact on brain function. Our brains consume over 20 percent of all nutrients and oxygen that we consume. So, remember to feed your brain with the good stuff! (Think fresh fruits and veggies and plenty of omega 3s found in oily fish.)

7. Read a book

Reading relieves tension and stress (brain-cell killers), because it’s a form of escapism. Research has also shown using our imagination is a great way to train our brain, because we force our mind to picture what we are imagining. Reading is a great way to trigger our imagination and fuel our creative genius(I've just started reading Dan Brown's, "Inferno").

8 Get the sleep you need

Sleep is when our body regenerates cells and removes all the toxins which have built up during the day. Get to bed between the hours of 9 pm and midnight to benefit from the most effective hours of sleep!

Notice how these "brainercises" run parallel with other daily thoughts.

Keep looking up....and "brainercise".... :) AJ

May 27th thought from "The Journey: A Calendar Book"...."Be conscientious".

Personal success comes from our being conscientious...."careful.... meticulous" as Merriam-Webster puts it.

High conscientiousness comes by possessing such traits as those in the montage. Having an awareness of our movements, our actions, our thoughts. Only by taking care in our choices can we expect to be successful in our consequences.

Enjoy the day....but be meticulous in the way you live it; knowing to get the results you wish for require your not just "wanting"...but as well your "becoming".

Keep looking up.

The Journey: A Calendar Book

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