March 20ths reading from Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series', "A Counselor's Daily Guide to Success" is a quote from author Steven King, and states "We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why".
In the 1948 George Orwell book, "1984", we were introduced to the idea, "Big brother is always watching". Not knowing to what degree the government satellite program has progressed as to whether "Big Brother" is truly able to always be watching us, we do know "little brother" and "little sister" are always watching us.
Children are much more cognizant of what we as young adults' and older adults' actions than we realize. Our every move teaches them about the world in which they will eventually interact. Children and youth obtain their "scripts" from us, the adults.
Likewise, our peers' eyes are always scanning those around them, just as many of us seem to have an obsession with worrying about others' actions much more than we do our own. Others "judge" how we dress, our hair cuts, our grooming, the way we live our lives, what vehicles we choose to drive, the homes we choose to inhabit and call home. Eyes are on us constantly it seems.
All the more reason we should worry not about others' judging of us and worry more about ourselves about our actions and presentation. When we are happy with ourselves it shows, thus the judgments of others are much less negative. When others see we are comfortable in our own skin they are much less likely to perceive our actions/presentation as a thing to judge; they are much more inclined to take a closer look at themselves and introspect as to why they aren't just as satisfied with their own lives.
And sometimes we are just as bad about judging others.Thus the question remains, "How can I free myself from judging others". Our judgments hurt only us—they fester, and can even cause us to implode and become sick. They really don’t (usually) affect anyone else.
Any time we have judgment, it is an indicator we have something to heal within our self. The great thing about this is that when we understand this, we have the opportunity to live a much more peaceful existence.
Why care about having a peaceful existence? Personally, I would rather die a happy, fulfilled, and peaceful person, not leave this world an angry, bitter and resentful individual. The more we judge, the easier it becomes to do it again, and again. At some point we will find our self unhappy, angry and pessimistic much of the time. Is this how you want to live? Is this how you want to die? I think not.
What about those who judge just a little, or every now and then? Given how short life is, do we really want to waste even a minute on anything but what brings is happiness and fulfillment? I know I don’t (Thomas). John 7:24 in the Good Book states, "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (King James Version, Holy Bible). In other words, look inward before thinking about judging others. Judge self, for when we judge ourselves we realize there is nothing we should be judging of others.
Self inspection means self reflections which means self fixing. Spending time fixing "US" puts "US" on the correct path to personal success.
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
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