Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Reading from Allen James' Daily Guide to Success Calendar Books

This is the video I've selected for my author page at  I've also posted it on my fan page at .... Stevie Wonder's certainly reflect the Allen James mission.... thoughts?  Let me hear what you think....  

Again...I apologize for having to blog several days at one time....blogspot wasn't working for a few days....So here are the readings for March 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and today....AJ


Our reading for March 14th from "A Counselor's Daily Guide to Success"..."Strive to do a good job".
Work ethic is defined as:

a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character.
... Origin:
1950–55" (Merriam/Webster)

Work enters our lives in a variety of forms: homework, housework, employment, vocation, avocation, fun work.

Having a strong belief in how each of these types of work benefits our daily lives in building character and self-worth also builds personal success.

Although we seldom get kudos for the job we do, knowing ourselves we are dedicated and "worth it" many times has to satisfy our need for affirmation. In the world of today there seems to be less and less affirmation from others, thus affirming ourselves is a must.

When we do a good job at whatever the task we feel not only ourselves but others gain from it. Being the best educator we can be, being the best crew member at a restaurant, being the best carpenter on a work site, being the best laborer in industry; no matter our role in the world of work, striving to do our best builds a better society overall.

Pat yourself on the back for the work you do. Affirm yourself for being committed to the job you do. Personal success comes naturally when we strive to do the best we can.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

Our reading for March 13th from "The Journey: A Calendar Book" is "Be compassionate".
1st Corinthians 13:13 tells us: "And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love" (King James Bible).

Compassion is defined as follows:

[kuhm-pash-uhn] Show IPA
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering" (

Sympathy is:

[sim-puh-thee] Show IPA noun, plural sym·pa·thies, adjective
harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.
the harmony of feeling naturally existing between persons of like tastes or opinion or of congenial dispositions.
the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration.
feelings or impulses of compassion.
feelings of favor, support, or loyalty: It's hard to tell where your sympathies lie" (

When we support our fellow men/women with a sharing of concern for one another we grow in character, emotion, and wellness. When others know they are being supported by another they grow in character, emotion, and wellness.

Letting those we care about see we care about them, truly care about them (not just giving "lip service") our relationships are cultivated and personal success is affected in a very positive way. Allowing our positive energies to reflect from our very beings grows euphoric results.

As we all know...there are plenty of not so positive things in life...reflecting our "goodness" builds a world of other compassionate individuals one block at a time.

Be compassionate. Keep looking up. : ) AJ

For March 12th from "A Woman's Daily Guide to Success"...."Be committed".
Earning personal success is just that...something we earn...personal success is not handed to us...personal success doesn't just happen. Personal success comes to u...s because we go out and find it, then expend much energy to get it. It's earned as we push ourselves toward it; being committed to the goals which we set...being committed to the idea of one day knowing we have accomplished what we set out to accomplish.

As men we are told almost on a regular basis we are afraid of commitment. There is a reason why we're told this so much by the opposite sex...Men are told we are afraid of commitment because of the simple fact that so many of us ARE afraid of commitment.

It's said "men never grow up". It's said we are stuck in adolescence and just go through the motions of becoming an adult.
For many this is true. Commitment comes difficult for adolescents because they haven't learned "HOW" to commit yet. Thus we men fear that which we have yet to learn.

As far as never growing up, I'm afraid the truth is most women like us this way. Their mothering, nurturing sides thrive on our not growing up. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" taught us much about the distinct differences between the sexes. This doesn't mean we can't LEARN to commit.

Being committed to our personal success, our goals, our lives, our significant others is vital to reaching our personal vital to our reaching our vital to our having abundant vital to our sharing a fulfilling relationship with our significant others.

Be committed. Keep looking up. : ) AJ

We read for March 11th from "A Teacher's Daily Guide to Success", "Believe in yourself".

The "buzz word" in education and psychology for much of the past 20 years was "self-esteem". School children across America were taught in small by their school counselors the importance of self-esteem. Licensed Professional Counselors and Social Workers who worked with school aged children and youth toiled away daily at instilling in them the importance of believing in themselves, so much so "self-esteem" and "self-concept" both became overused words which today seem to not have the significance they should.

In my years working with young and adult clients alike, I encouraged believing in oneself through an 8 step process:

1 - Set goals. When you set goals, you have control.

2 - Recognize when you achieve your goals, this will build confidence.

3 - Consider reasons for failure. Everyone fails to achieve some goal, but if learning from the failure, success is more likely in the future.

4 - Use realistic expectations to judge success. Do not expect to run a four minute mile, it takes training and conditioning to run a four minute mile. Judging success by looking at the gap between where one begins and where one want to be is vital. This perspective helps gauge what remains to be accomplished. Judge by looking at progress from 2-3 years ago or 2 months ago. This helps us know how far we have come. Both perspectives are valid.

5 - Listen to critics, but never accept self-doubt. Some critics will "bite into" our bubble to tear us down only to make themselves look bigger and better, while others will offer critical advice to help us make changes for improvement.

6 - Give time and energy to others. When we do this, we get positive feedback and respect from others. These are building blocks for self respect...which is essential to self-belief.

7 - NEVER give up on our dreams, goals or aspirations; we never realize them until we put them into action.

8 - In believing, we will find our best. Believing in ourself is the key to personal success in life.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

The reading for March 10th from "The Journey: A Calendar Book" is a quote by Bill Gates...prior to the years 2000 he stated, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower us".
Be one of those leaders who empower others, and yourself, to reach your potential. Share your personal success, thus affect the future generations through your support of what is to come.

Keep looking up. :) AJ
For March 9th from "The Journey: A Calendar Book"...."Be aware". defines aware as, "

[uh-wair] Show IPA
... adjective
having knowledge; conscious; cognizant: aware of danger.
informed; alert; knowledgeable; sophisticated: She is one of the most politically aware young women around.
before 1100; Middle English, variant of iwar, Old English gewær watchful (cognate with Old High German, Old Saxon giwar, German gewahr ), equivalent to ge- y- + wær ware2" (

Over my 20 years in private practice as a psychotherapist THE most important advice I gave my patients we to live consciously. Having an awareness of the world around us changes everything about us. Living consciously means to know every moment of every day, every decision we make, every thought we think has an effect on the outcome of our daily life.

It's such a simple concept, but our busy lives impedes us from working at being so stifles us from reaching our personal success.

Be aware. Of it all.

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