Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Reading from Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series

March 21st's reading from Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series; "Cultivate a romantic soul".

Romance!!! Who needs it? This seems to be the attitude men have taken throughout the late 20th and early 21st century. Let's face it, ro...mance seems to have been replaced by sex everywhere we turn; television advertisements, radio spots, top 40 hits, country music, movies. But just as we are often misinformed by the media regarding social, political, and personal topics, we are also being misinformed regarding the importance of romance (except during Valentine's Day marketing blitzes) in our society today. And this misinformation is creating generations of mindless men when it comes to displaying their affection toward their significant others.

In reality, romance and sex go hand in hand. Romance is defined as, "to influence or curry favor with especially by lavishing personal attention, gifts, or flattery (www.merriam/ Cultivating a romantic soul alludes to working daily to express how much you love someone by showing special attention, being thoughtful by presenting with special gifts, and by letting the one you love know you think they're special in words as well as actions.

However; when it comes to modern day romance, some men have lost their touch…

According to Sonny Mac, who has blazoned her path to success provided relationship advice via radio on stations such as 96.3KISS FM and 96.1 KISS FM in NY, 104.5 KTOY/107FYX in TX, and her current station, 105.3KJMM in Tulsa, OK a new study conducted by Sheila's Wheels, "men are more hopeless than romantic when it comes to treating the lady in their life.

"More than half of women (55%) have not been surprised with a gift in over a year, while one in five women buy their own flowers rather than wait for flowers to be bought for them.

"And chivalry is fading fast among young men. The a study of 1,176 people by Sheila's Wheels revealed that 72% of men under the age of 25 said they rarely or never buy flowers for their significant other.

"Furthermore, 10% of young men confessed that they had passed off a gift from someone else as a gift that they had bought for their partner, while one in five had even given their other half a gift that they had received for free.

"And when it comes to present buying, it’s women that put in that extra bit of effort. The study found that women spend 24 days planning a gift for their other half for a special occasion, while men take just 16 days.

"What’s more, a third of cheeky chappies even admitted that they only search for a gift the day before they give it to their partner.

"Jacky Brown at Sheilas’ Wheels said: “Men may think of themselves as Prince Charmings, but it seems that many are losing their touch and could learn a great deal from their parents or grandparents when it comes to chivalry” (

However; ladies, remember; as my mother told me years ago regarding a beautiful woman with whom I had fallen madly in love, "Pretty is as pretty does" (Harryman, Naomi Ruth, 1989); to be expected to be treated such you must act such.

Men and women alike, cultivate a romantic soul, a building block to a healthy relationship and sex life.

Keep looking up. : ) AJ

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