Monday, March 25, 2013
Daily Reading - Allen James' Daily Guide to Success series - The Journey: A Calendar Book
Also you'll find the Daily Reading for Friday March 23rd and Saturday, March 24th. Keep looking up. : ) AJ.
Today's thought for March 25th is taken from "The Journey: A Calendar Book"....and reads, "Call an old friend from your high school days".
First I want to express my sympathy to Calendar Books by Allen James fan, Ellen M. who's mother pass...ed away this past week at 93 years of age. Our thoughts are with you Ellen.
Having left my home town after high school graduation to attend college I lost touch with most of my high school friends (our graduating class was only a few over 30 students) throughout my active adult years. My 20s passed with little to no contact; my 30s and 40s were so busy with work I only found communication with most of my high school classmates at 5 year reunions.
However when I turned 45 a wonderful tool called "social media" was placed at my disposal in the form of Facebook, Linkedin and the like. Several of us worked together through this tool and planned and took a cruise up the Alaskan Inside Passage for our 50th birthday celebration. One night we got all decked out; ladies in their formal wear and guys in our tuxes, and toasted with champagne to the next 50 as we signed high school yearbooks for a second time and reminisced old times and friends gone. What a great 50th birthday we experienced.
Our relationships were rekindled just as if we had stepped back in time 32 years. Now we plan to have a special trip every 5 years if possible. These were the individuals we grew up with; the individuals who helped form our character; the individuals who were along side us as we became the core of who we are today.
Two years ago I attended the funeral of one of my closest friends throughout childhood and young adulthood to pancreatic cancer. She had planned on going on the trip as well. How devastating to lose friends so close to such a dreadful disease at such a young age (Yes, 50 is still young. THEY say 50 is the new 30; I agree).
Call an old friend from your high school days. Don't let time pass by without experiencing the wonderful feeling which come with reconnecting with old friends.
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
Our reading for March 24th comes from Allen James', A Counselor's Daily Guide to Success" and at first glance I'm sure there will be those who immediately will say, "Duh". But remain focused on the Allen James mission...
"Take time to breathe in the fresh air".
To be honest, at the time I first wrote this thought I wasn't at all thinking about the age old maxim, "Stop and smell the roses". Alt...hough initially the two "appear" to be a reflection, today's reading goes much deeper.
Certainly I realize the importance of taking tine from our busy lives to stop and "take a breath", however; also take time to realize what taking time to breathe in the fresh air does for us.
When we breathe in fresh air we fill not only our lungs with much needed oxygen but also our bloodsteam and thus our brains. A breath of fresh air clears our minds and allows serotonin to be released into the brain. Serotonin is the natural chemical which is released when we are out in the bright daylight which improves mood and works to prevent depression.
Positivity comes much more easily when we are in a good mood (Another "Duh" moment). Depression, whether chronic or clinical, major or just the "blues", keeps us from even wanting to be positive individuals. How easy it is to "bite into other people's bubbles" when we don't keep our minds clear and serotonin filled.
Certainly take time to appreciate all around you, but more than this, take the time to realize HOW to appreciate all around you. There are physical/biological realities at work which we can assist in creating our own happiness. Live conscious of your own powers.
Keep looking up, and breathing deep. :) AJ
Reading from Allen James' "A Counselor's Daily Guide to Success" for March 23rd, "Keep an open mind".
Individuals who obtain personal success are individials with an open mind. Being openminded simply means we are able to see things from ...many perspectives are are accepting of others' views. This doesn't mean we agree with or practice these perspectives/views. It means we are willing to listen and meet others where they are.
People who are open minded are more often than not more positive and non-judgemental than those who are close-minded. People who are open-minded find they learn more about, and get to experience more, of the wonders life has to offer.
Keep an open mind. Be willing to hear what others have to say. Be accepting.
Keep looking up. :) AJ
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