From "A Graduate's Daily Guide to Success"...March 7th, "Set realistic goals".
“The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them.
Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade
through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or
boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.”
– Og Mandino
Goal setting is a topic which we hear much about from the time we are
seniors in high school throughout the remainder of our life; and it
doesn't only apply to our working life. We set goals for our personal
life as well as goals for our private life.
So, what can you do
to keep your goals on track? Over the years I have found the following
to be key components in setting realistic goals:
Component 1 – Write Your Goals Down
Studies and surveys have shown that you are far more likely to achieve
your goals if you write it down. I personally like to write my goals
down and refer to them daily to keep them at the front of my mind.
Writing down our goals also helps make them real to us. If we just
think about a goal, it’s not physically real – and it’s easy for us to
change our minds. When we write it down however, the very act of
writing helps us commit to the goals – and also gives us something we
can visually see and reflect on.
Component 2 – Set Short Term Benchmarks
Goals that are far out of reach are easy to procrastinate on and put
off. It’s fine to have long term dreams – but in the short run, you
should have regular mile stones as well.
For example, if your
goal is to write a novel, rather than just saying you’ll write a novel
this year and leave it at that, instead commit to a certain number of
pages or words a month – these short term milestones will help you stay
on track, and will make your long term goal much more manageable.
Component 3 – Be Specific
If your goal is to “lose weight” – how will you know when you’re done?
Going along with the above of setting short term mile stones, even if
your long term goal is “get in better shape” – you can still be specific
such as “be in good enough shape to play football for two hours twice a
The more specific you are, the better motivated you’ll
be as you get closer to achieving your goal. With vague goals, it’s very
easy to get discouraged, because you may not feel like you’re getting
closer to due to having no clear end in sight.
Use specific, tangible words in your goals such as measurements and (if applicable) a date by which they will be accomplished.
Component 4 – Measure Actions as Well As Progress
Sticking with the theme of setting fitness goals, many people I know
get frustrated when they set a specific goal such as “lose 20 pounds by
summer” – and then fall short of their goal. While it’s good to have
aggressive goals, in some situations it may be better to measure your
actions instead of your progress.
So for example, instead of
setting fitness goals based on pounds lost, you could set goals for the
amount of cardio you do every week and whether you keep your calories
below a certain threshold.
This is also good for vague goals
that may be difficult to measure, such as achieving proficiency playing a
sport or playing an instrument. Setting goals based on perhaps 1 or 2
hours of practice a day may be more helpful than simply saying “get
better before school starts.”
Component 5 – Start With Just One Goal
You may decide you want to turn your life around and set out to accomplish a laundry list of goals at once.
Unfortunately, trying to accomplish too many things at once is
frequently a recipe for failure. For most people, changing too many
aspects of their lives requires an overwhelming amount of willpower, and
ends up being unrealistic.
Component 6 – Schedule In Time For Your Goals
If you don’t make time for your goals, you’ll never accomplish them –
it’s as simple as that. Along those sames lines, generally speaking,
the more time you allocate per day to your goal, the faster you’ll
achieve it.
Rather than leave it to chance, schedule a specific
time every day for your goal. This is part of the reason why organized
sports and personal trainers are so effective for people looking to
improve their fitness – the activity has a set block of time on their
schedule, and so people attend regularly.
Component 7 – Set Goals You Actually Want To Achieve
Rumor has it that a philosopher in Europe once posted this message on his telephone answering machine:
“This device is programmed to ask two simple questions:
Who are you and what do you want?
Most people live their entire lives without ever answering either one.”
– from The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting For People Who Hate Setting Goals
Don’t set goals because you think you “should” or because they “sound good.”
Look at your life and the direction you want it to take – set goals
that you realistically can achieve, but more important – pick goals you
want to achieve (Savara 2012).
Set realistic goals on your journey to personal success.
Keep looking up. : ) AJ
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